News and Events
Ongoing and upcoming events

Developing "U=U" communication messages in Malawi: Establishing evidence on feasibility and acceptability.
The aim of this study is to address the information gap on treatment as prevention (TasP) through the development of contextually relevant TasP messaging materials that emphasize "Undetectable=Untransmissible" information targeting HIV discordant couples in order optimize adherence to ART, reduce new HIV infections sero-discordant couples and increase male partner engagement in HIV self-testing, prevention and care.
PanACEA AGM 2022
The Pan-African Consortium for the Evaluation of Anti-tuberculosis Antibiotics (PanACEA) is a drug trial consortium funded by the EDCTP comprising of several countries in Africa, including Malawi.
After a protracted period of virtual annual general meetings, the HNTI successfully hosted the AGM in Malawi from 19 to 23 September 2022!
Some highlights of the meeting are featured below
Past stories and activities
Young researchers discuss during the TB Networking Conference.

The team kicks back and celebrates wins and achievements.

A participant performs self sampling and testing for the COVID-19 study.

Showcasing the lab to dignitaries from the National TB programme.

A staff member undergoes vaccination for coronavirus disease.

Continuing scientific talks despite the COVID-19 pandemic.