About us

Since its establishment in 2010, the Helse Nord Tuberculosis Initiative (HNTI) has grown in scope and quality of research. The establishment and growth have been enabled by the core funding from the Helse Nord RHF. The growth of the HNTI and the expansion of our themes allows it to be a key player in the global effort to eliminate TB and other infectious diseases. As a center of excellence, the HNTI will become an active participant in the global scientific conversation on the effort to END TB and communicable diseases.
Our Themes
TB Diagnostics
Exploring improved algorithms and tests
for diagnosing TB
TB Drug Trials
Identifying better (short and effective) TB drug regimens.
A new and upcoming theme within the group
Social Sciences
Breaching the lines between people and infectious diseases
Interventions to address the burden of infections in Malawi
Networking and communicating locally and internationally
Some of our Publications from 2021
Mukoka M, Twabi HH, Msefula C, Semphere R, et al.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2022; 0 : 1-10.
Pattern of abnormalities amongst chest X‐rays of adults undergoing computer‐assisted digital chest X‐ray screening for tuberculosis in Peri‐Urban Blantyre, Malawi: A cross‐sectional study
Twabi HH, Semphere R, Mukoka M, et al.
Tropical Medicine and International Health 2021; 26: 1427-1437.
Twabi HH, Mukoka-Thindwa M, Shani D, et al.
Malawi Medical Journal 2021; 3.
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